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Azusa American Little League

Azusa American Little League

Sports Connect

In 2024, AALL adopted the Sports Connect platform to manage its baseball programs online. This change aims to centralize player databases, implement shared boundary rules, and provide integrated background checks. As an official Little League International partner, Sports Connect makes it easier than ever to navigate our website and register your player(s) for upcoming seasons with AALL. It is also mobile-friendly so you can find the information you are looking for and complete registrations even without a computer. 

Refer to Sports Connect Registration Parent Guide for details on how to complete registration on the Sports Connect platform for the upcoming season. 

Refer to Sports Connect Parent Registration FAQs for additional information.

GameChanger App

GameChanger is an app for your phone that integrates with SportsConnect and is used for scoring games. AALL has adopted GameChanger as the tool to track all the live game stats and scores.



Azusa American Little League
924 W 1st St 
Azusa, California 91702

Email: [email protected]

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